Always putting in the miles@headingTag>
If you could say one thing about Harold Humphreys, you’d say he was a visionary.
And when he heard that the 1966 World Cup was finally coming home, he was more determined than anyone that Umbro would be the dominant force at the event.

So much so, he flew representatives to every corner of the globe, tempting each participating federation with an offer that teams had never seen the likes of before: wear our kit and it’s yours for free. We’ll even tailor it to your exact needs.

It was a move that kicked off what would become the modern sponsorship model. But, more imminently, it was a resounding success.
Umbro’s entrepreneurial spirit and human touch resulted in 15 out of the 16 teams donning Umbro.
It was not only an iconic moment for Umbro but in Footballing history – the first and last time one brand dominated the tournament in this way and the move to modern sponsorship.